This is officially the first year since before preschool that I am not getting ready for school come this fall. I love school!
I always want to go to school that's why I chose the profession I did and it's also why I chose to continue my education. All of that being said it feels like an outer body experience for the weather to start getting cooler and leaves to start changing (already, yes I know!) and not to have that excitement/butterfly filled stomach I always get around this time of year...🍂🍃🍁
I know that I should enjoy the time off. I know that things will change. I know also that I will not look back on this with regret or sadness. But let's be real here folks I am going out of my mind!!
There are good days and bad days. Days where I am relishing the time with Allison before she grows up and I know it's going to go fast. There are also days where I am crabby and Not happy because of not working and feel like I'm not taking advantage of my time with her... I was a better mom when I was working because between mothering and teaching usually in one given day both didn't go absolutely wrong-there was always one to compensate the other.
I have always felt like making an impact with kids is my spirituality. That's how I connect with the world around me and make sense of life. Without it, I'm lost. Parenting and teaching, in my experience, are two different things. I am not entirely fulfilled being a mom. I need to be making a difference on a larger scale where I come alive in a classroom type situation. Who knew it would be so different (for me). Most people just assume you'll be a good mom because you're a good teacher- wrong!! And if someone were a good mom first and then go into teaching I still wouldn't say it's a shoe in!!
Rant over.
Feeling squirrelly in a world full of nuts...