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Surprise Babycakes!

Moments after the big SURPRISE!

Within the past two weeks, I have had two surprises that made me feel on top of the world! I love being surprised with events, people, gifts, etc. I love planning surprises and watching someone react happily surprised! My last surprise was my 30th birthday party and I still hold tight to those memories so it's been almost 7 years.

On my drive to the baby shower, I was overcome by a longing to be with my mom and sisters. I tried to push it aside so it wouldn't make the day difficult but it persisted. It wasn't all in sadness, mostly missing them and needing to be showered by their love. Little did I know, my two sisters came from CA and CO to stay with Diane the night prior in order to surprise me at my shower. As you could imagine, immediate tears fell when I saw their beautiful faces! What a blessing. I felt so special knowing they did this just for me! Wow, I am still on a high even though they left last week!

These girls made me a "Little Mommy" starting at age 9 and inspired my love for being with children. They were my world from the moment they were born. While I could never take the place of my mom, I have such raw Mama Bear feelings for them. I clearly remember how it felt to help raise them. In the process I began adoring them and just plain fell in love with Cassie and Brianna overnight. While I took care of them for years they take care of me now by filling me with joy and unconditional love. Needless to say, their presence that weekend filled a void I'd been feeling after spending the holidays without them.

Not only was I surprised by their visit, two weeks earlier I was surprised with a shower from these lovely gems I call my Michigan family. Again, feeling on top of the world that plans were made for me to feel just that! It's not luck, although I know I've been fortunate. I do believe many ladies in this picture and I have discussed that even if I wasn't married to John we would have found each other! :) This is a Michigan sisterhood that I am fortunate to be a part of.
Nelson Fam and Peeps

Besides the surprises, there are plenty of other people that having been feeding my soul and spirit with cards and texts checking in on me. I still cannot believe we are about to welcome this baby boy into our lives. It feels like a sense of accomplishment to say my 'grieving while pregnant' will soon be over. I am looking forward to feeling more myself (tired no doubt but hopefully more clear-headed) and wrapping my head around what has happened over the past year. I am going to face my new reality knowing some days will be harder than others. I have my support system in place and I am going to rise above my pride and ask for help when I need it. I've been blessed with a lot lately that I have not been able to reciprocate. I look forward to being helpful to those that came to my rescue soon!
My Babycakes, I can't wait to hold you.
I haven't nicknamed the baby other than calling him Bambino, Baby Boy and then less than polite names when he's causing me pain. Today, I referred to him as "Babycakes." That's what my mom always called me when I was little and often wrote it in cards even after I had become an adult. After I rubbed my belly and called him that, I wondered why I never referred to Allison as Babycakes. At the time she was born, it was a name only for only my mom to use. This morning, she passed that onto me to and I am relishing in the moment. I feel the bond between me and my sweet son strengthen with this new nickname... She's here with us and I'm so glad because I'm still scared but I know she'll find ways like she did today to let me know it's going to be alright.


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