It's been really nice to get a text message from you to know that you're okay out there and enjoying yourself. I'm super grateful for that because I've been thinking about you like crazy.
It's been a great weekend. We've enjoyed a lot of downtime/girl time creative/crafting time. Saturday we stayed in her pajamas until 1 PM building things like this growing machine:
We used foil, a cardboard box glue, brightly colored paper, markers and our imaginations. We also started to decorate for Halloween Allison wants to make the house spooky so you will be 'spooked out' when you get home for your birthday.

We ended the night watching strawberry shortcake and eating frozen grapes just like usual. Allison decided we didn't need the family blanket for cuddling just the pink blanket since you were gone.
This was my Saturday night and to be honest I couldn't complain. She was a really good girl all day we had so much fun making things and just being ourselves.
Sunday was full of excitement. When we woke up we were bound to be ready for aunt Lori and June and grandma coming over! Activities on the agenda were: to make cupcakes, to have supper together, to watch a movie and to decorate for Halloween with arts and crafts around the table.
Needless to say 'mission accomplished.' There was laughter and hugging and playing and creating all day long. Aunt June spoiled us with her thrift store finds as usual and Aunt Lor made really cool mummy toilet paper roll crafts (which will be featured in the next entry!).
Well it's 10:22 PM and I have just said good night to Aunt June and Grandma who are sleeping downstairs tonight. Allison is thrilled to be able to show Aunt June and Grandma her school tomorrow. I'm really glad they're taking her and I don't have to speed to get her there on time. Our neighbors are very excited to do the same for Allison too and already have a schedule for when they're taking Bruno out all week.
You could say everybody's taking care of us while you're gone.
I love you so much, good night, crazy to think were under the same sky right now
Love, your loving wife