I think I have decided to be a juke box for Halloween this year... don't quote me on that but I do think it's quite fitting.... (I'll let your imagination go wild for a second then join me when you're ready!)
Yesterday as Allison and I were decorating for St. Patty's Day, I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather be doing! We have always decorated for every holiday even when I was working, but now obviously the decor is A.Mazing and she gets to do projects I did with my Kindergarteners from my Classroom Garage (garage is pronounced with French accent for sophistication and emphasis)...
My mom has always said and acted on the notion that "Children should be celebrated."
Growing up, we not only celebrated holidays but mini and big triumphs in our lives from good report cards, to successful doctor visits to sporting event wins, etc. There was always something to celebrate and I think this is a domino effect because if you know that you have a base of friends/family that will always be there for you to lift you up you are probably more likely to succeed...
Now entertain this idea- our family was always good at taking care of each other during low/bad times too. But I feel like, in general, people are always good at checking in on you when things are bad- dropping you a line, bringing a meal, etc. But where are they when you are doing something great whether it be on national level or personal level? Why does it seem to be popular to post struggles with sarcasm on social media versus sharing a personal best- like how well you juggled what came at you that day or resisting temptation of food/drink?
My mom used to say it's lonely at the top.... this is true and it's what makes those at the top great because if they can stay there with minimal support then they are truly worthy of being at the top. I don't mean the Fortune 500 here... I'm saying the top of THEIR game whatever that may be.
See, I'm taking this into perspective and thinking that now I'm not teaching but my 'game' is primarily centered around being a mom/wife. I do my best everyday. Now that LOOKS different everyday but I know for a fact that I give my all each and everyday. Sometimes that is 100% and sometimes it's 60% (60% of the time it happens every time- Anchorman). The stress is... sometimes I don't know what I'm capable of and how much control I really have. There are things that are in my control and I have to capitalize on those and let the others lay to rest (at least for the day).
When I first started going to therapy for my anxiety and guilt about mommyhood I had to repeat this mantra "Things cannot be perfect all the time." I was supposed to say that over and over and after 5-10 times, my therapist raised his eyebrows inquisitively and I responded, "Nope still not feeling it. I don't believe that's true..."
Anyways back to the celebrations... I have so many songs... my friend JoJo dubbed my theme song "Low" by FloRida because of my "boots with the fur" and I danced to that song like it was my job at McFaddens.
Also, some people would argue that my theme song is "Bubble butt, bubububu butt...." from a crazy night at the racetrack - Bauer Racing!
Right now, MY theme song is "Chillin' It" by Cole Swindell... feels good all around and I'm thinking I just might be killin' it at what I've got going on lately!
Anyways, in short, (or long), I do celebrate all the time and I always to celebrate with people that I love. A lot of the time it's just an excuse to eat, drink and be merry and the conversation does not usually even revolve around the initial intent (unless it's my BIRTHDAY-that's a different story. By the way it's
87 Days, 11 hours, 27 mins. and 40 seconds... wait now it's 36 seconds. I have the countdown app! weeeeeeeeeee
Don't judge- I might have your birthday or wedding on there too!
I got my shades on, top back,
Rolling with the music jacked,
One on the wheel, one around you baby
I bet
There's a chance we can get
Sure enough
Tangled up,
Laid back and lazy
Rolling with the music jacked,
One on the wheel, one around you baby
I bet
There's a chance we can get
Sure enough
Tangled up,
Laid back and lazy