I married a mama's boy and am quite certain I am raising one myself. Unbeknownst to me, this little boy would grab a hold of my heartstrings in a different way than my daughter. I don't need to apologize or worry that my sentiments about my son overshadow her. I know this because she is smitten too. Beyond her wildest imagination and initial disappointment at the gender reveal.... she loves him more and more everyday!
There's just something about little boys. His mischievous grin. Catching glimpses of features that resemble his handsome father. The squeeze hugs and rough and tumble play. Half the time I'm scared of the occasional bite or head butt that is inevitable but I keep coming back for more. My favorite part? It's the most active love I've ever felt! It's so hands-on, in your face, sometimes loud, but it's an all in. Smothery sometimes, running a tractor up your leg, shoving a raisin in your mouth kind of business. And guess what? I LOVE IT!!

until he tries something new. Like putting on his own shoes or trying to stab a slippery peach with his fork. He needs me but doesn't want to need me. If he could quote Christmas movies like the rest of the family, he'd say, "Let's be independent together!" He wants to be with me but also wants to do it all by himself.
I get it. I'm still that way! I'm usually all about being together with people or not really at all (bonus for social distancing!!). Maybe that's why I've never felt sad watching my kids grow up. Maybe it's my fascination of child development. Or just the excitement to get to know my child's personality. I can't wait to get a sneak peek of his idiosyncrasies. And I know he'll have plenty of quirky traits from what I know from Allison. I know this for a fact though. Both of my kids will have larger than life personalities but their hearts will be just as big. When you love hard, you tend to feel hard. I know this because I live wholeheartedly by putting my heart on the line. Often. Even when I'm not sure it will be well received. Sometimes I am brave and sometimes I'm too protective but I want my kids to see me vulnerable. It's worth showing up to be seen, to be valued for who are you instead of just fitting in (My Brene Brown fans are nodding their heads right now!). Lord knows I'm not cookie cutter mama! There's a lot of emotion to regulate but it's worth it. I don't want to deprive my kids, especially my boy of feeling and expressing a spectrum of emotions. However, I can imagine this being difficult to promote the older he gets. I'll likely need to get off my soapbox but let me hope for a minute here...
Here comes the label 'mama's boy.' Think about the difference between "daddy's girl" and "mama's boy." Think about the connotations. Nothing negative crosses my mind when I think of someone telling me their daughter is a 'daddy's girl.' It's quite the endearing phrase actually. But when you hear 'mama's boy' it tends to bring a cringe worthy image of a grown man living in his parents' basement while the mother does his laundry makes him a sandwich. Let me be real. There is a level of enabling that I think is crippling. I do, however, see why mothers tend to do these things for their sons as it becomes harder to connect with them. Right now, I do not have to be deliberate about connecting with him and for that I'm grateful. The love feels so wholesome and authentic. Like we love each other at face value. Not because we have things in common.
I'd love for the connotation of a 'mama's boy' to mean this:
That a young boy forged a beautiful relationship with his mother when he was little. He felt cared for and in turn protected her with all he had. He mimics this love and admiration for the first woman in his life with every woman he loves from here on out!
Fact: I am his favorite human and he wants to squeeze me around the neck, suck on my face and just be near me. Have you seen a little boy butt in as a mom and dad embrace and kiss in the kitchen? If not, come over around 6 when John gets home from work! I came to this revelation the other day and announced it to my husband. I said, "I'm kind of a big deal. Everyone that lives here loves me the most! I'm everyone's favorite!!" Damn it feels good to be me.