~December 27th, 2019~
Keeping a journal with sentiments of gratitude has filled my heart with such appreciation. It has given me pause and allows me the grace I need on days I struggle. It can also be the cherry on top to a great day. I look forward to this time every night. Most nights, the pen glides easily across the pages about my family, friends, and heartfelt emotions. I believe this has been easier to do during the holidays, but so cathartic.
"Don't get your tinsel in a tangle" |
What always happened is what matters most. Bonding. When I catch glimpses around my home of people connecting, snuggling, laughing, embracing, I feel whole. I feel complete to the point that my little family struggles when everyone leaves. There is no relief that company is gone but a longing for those little vignettes, those magically imperfect Christmas connections that make this season special.
Cheers to a holiday season that radiated with my mom's inner light, her values, her sense of fun and silliness, and most of all her ability to make everyone feel right at home. In her home. Now, my home. I've heard home is where your favorite people are not the place itself. This Christmas was the epitome of that statement.