Today is Valentine's Day. A day to express love. This comes easy to me. I was shown love and affection in so many ways in my family. We snuggled on the couch watching movies, we embraced often and were open about the mushy gushy stuff. That's why when mom asked me toward the end of her life if there was anything I wanted to say that I hadn't or needed to, I took a short pause and replied, "No. I know I've told you how much you mean to me so much that you know it but I'll tell you again. I love you."
After exchanging cards for Valentine's Day with John we realized there was one theme throughout both. We love to come home. To each other. I hope to never take that for granted. He is a big part of the feeling of love in this home. We smother our kids with kisses because we love them. We discipline them because we love them. We shower them with affection and give thoughtful gifts to show we care. They GET a lot of things from us but they also GIVE a lot back. As much as they can. For John boy it's snuggles and laughter and head butting cheek-to-cheek love. For Allison, it's secret notes under our pillows, endless hugs and lots of words of affirmation. She announced she'd like to use some of her money to buy cans for the Veteran's pantry that is running low. Hearing that makes us love her even more that her heart is growing big enough to not only show us love, but strangers in need! This is a beautiful testament to the value of charity my mother instilled in me. Her heart would just burst to know that Allison has chosen to support Veterans as she did.
Mom, I think you're on a roll here. Not only am I carrying on your legacy so is your granddaughter. In her own, very CaliGram kind of way. A gift of your light still shining and growing. Thank you for that. And for everything.
Sending you love today and always!
xx Kiss Kiss 😚