Baking you cookies to coax you to come out! Sweet son of mine, you are already exhausting my patience. Sometimes the excitement of meeting you and the discomfort of the pregnancy together make it hard to wait. I know it will be worth it, but I'm so anxious. I tear up just thinking about the first time your big sister sees and holds you for the first time. Allison cannot stop talking about how she is looking forward to snuggling a baby everyday. She wants to be a part of everything. Not only will it be different to have you join our family but she is taking on a new and different role as an older sibling and I think you'll be quite enamored with her. She's very special and we know the two of you will be lifelong friends. Your father and I changed our minds in having another by going through things over the past years where we leaned on our own siblings. We came to a point where we could no longer justify not 'giving' Allison a sibling for life's journeys. ...