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Showing posts from October, 2014

Dear john

Hi babe,  It's been really nice to get a text message from you to know that you're okay out there and enjoying yourself. I'm super grateful for that because I've been thinking about you like crazy.  It's been a great weekend. We've enjoyed a lot of downtime/girl time creative/crafting time. Saturday we stayed in her pajamas until 1 PM building things like this growing machine: We used foil, a cardboard box glue, brightly colored paper, markers and our imaginations. We also started to decorate for Halloween Allison wants to make the house spooky so you will be 'spooked out' when you get home for your birthday.   We ended the night watching strawberry shortcake and eating frozen grapes just like usual. Allison decided we didn't need the family blanket for cuddling just the pink blanket since you were gone.  This was my Saturday night and to be honest I couldn't complain. She was a really good girl all day we had so much fun making things and just b...

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

 Wednesday morning while it was still dark I dropped off Allison to the neighbors. She was more excited I think to be able to ride in the car and drive across the street without getting her car seat anything else. When I picked her up from school we went straight shopping for aunt Jill's birthday guest. After picking out chip clips, elephant napkins and things like that we went to Clam lake and had a nice dinner with mom dad Mom, and aunt Jill. Then the party moved to our house where the cake that grandma and Allison made was there chocolate pudding and chocolate cake with whipped cream and of course blue sprinkles for aunt Jill's favorite color. Great night after everyone left I felt like I may or may not have had too much wine. And by too much I mean two glasses. Whatever.  Oct. 23rd- Thursday mom came To watch Allison so I could go to my appointment. The appointment went well and it was actually nice to have part  of a mommy and me day like we used to for the rest of t...

Dearest john-O-matic

We'll not too muh going on other than n raging sinus infection that came axe alive today around one!! I left to get meds and came back. Man does that mucinex 'fast max' work F-a-s-t!!  I came home to mom and Allison anking pudding cake for Jill's birthday tomorrow. Allison quick got ready for dance. I chose to listen to my book (Insurgent) with headphones to drown out some obnoxious moms! When we for back we went straight to Tom and Debb's to install the car seat. Allison wanted to stay longer of course but relaxed after being reminded she'd be there in 12 hours.  My dad sent Allison a package of cookies and my mom sent her Halloween goodies. Spoiled freakin rotten!!  Tiger teeth... This is by far the creepiest pictires ever of our daughter... So let's move on... Here are aunt lor's tp mummies    And my Kleenex monster  And mom and aunt June's creepy crawlers Yes, the one on the right has oyster cracker eyes...  It was great to hear your voice (out o...
Dear Johno,  Congrats on the big elk! Wow! I'm not gonna lie you look good next to it. (Does that sound weird!?) I already framed it! (see below)Well it was super nice to wake up to Aunt June and Mom here after our slumber party! I got to wake Allison up before I left and it was so awesome to see her before I left for work. Today? Not a bad day when 6 kids are absent. It went by pretty fast! I stayed not long afterward and picked her up from school. She was having a great time at after school care, of course. We now have another painted pumpkin to add to the bunch! Quite hilarious with the fire fighter field trip sticker on it! We have also tidied up a little and she can see her desk now (that makes one of us). All in all it was just a regular ole Monday. Not a case of the Mondays but you know.. looking forward to HUMP DAY! 

Dear John

Since You are gone for a week I will write diary style to make sure I didn't forget things we did and things Allison said.  Dear John,  After I picked her up from school we got home and she opened her package from CaliGram. Check out these 'tiger teeth.'  Then we decided we wanted to have a picnic style dinner.  It wasn't the most comfortable seating for dinner but super fun.  We listened music and Allison danced to the happy and back to the future songs. She talked about how we we're Marty and Doc for  Halloween last year.  Caligrams package got us in the mood to take out the Halloween totes! This is where the real action begins!    I scored on after Halloween sales last year and found this gem! Thanks to Ashley, we found this 'Kapow' sign. She ran around feeling like super hero for a while.  Then we watched Frozen and cuddled up in the pink blanket ( since the big one is a family blanket and daddy isn't here so..)  She saved the l...

Lately- retry at publishing this from last week!!

Back in the saddle again! Talk about when it rains it pours and how many people told me to be patient and just wait things would fall into place. Sometimes don't be offended anyone I really didn't want to hear that. I was also told there might be another plan for me that I had for myself that was also something I was skeptical of. No matter which way you see it I think it's all going to work out. I happily took a position at Baker College as an adjunct professor where I'll be teaching one night class a week starting the winter session. I have also accepted  a kindergarten and first grade split classroom for forest area. I have high hopes for this experience although it's been difficult already after the first weeks to follow someone else's plans/set up but I'm trying to just bite off a little at a time instead of more than I can chew. I'm also having to get used to teaching while having a child in school. That means I can't stay late every night whic...