Hi babe, It's been really nice to get a text message from you to know that you're okay out there and enjoying yourself. I'm super grateful for that because I've been thinking about you like crazy. It's been a great weekend. We've enjoyed a lot of downtime/girl time creative/crafting time. Saturday we stayed in her pajamas until 1 PM building things like this growing machine: We used foil, a cardboard box glue, brightly colored paper, markers and our imaginations. We also started to decorate for Halloween Allison wants to make the house spooky so you will be 'spooked out' when you get home for your birthday. We ended the night watching strawberry shortcake and eating frozen grapes just like usual. Allison decided we didn't need the family blanket for cuddling just the pink blanket since you were gone. This was my Saturday night and to be honest I couldn't complain. She was a really good girl all day we had so much fun making things and just b...