It's been quite a while since my last post that's probably because there's not a lot going on.
No news on the job front. I've been looking and applying like crazy. Hoping something will fall into place before the end of the summer as I'm getting antsy to start working again. I have also asked for information on the doctorate program at Ferris State University. You know I love going to school this could be a new avenue...
On the medical front there's a lot of things going on couple weeks ago I had a breast biopsy which luckily showed nothing cancerous. Unfortunately after words I suffered some chest pain which caused me to go to the ER. After the chest pain was not subsiding later that week I went in for a CAT scan where I had an allergic reaction to the contrast dye and ended up back in the ER. A really rough few weeks to say the least. I have sought out help from a natural doctor my family doctor my allergist. I'm looking into all different ways to make myself healthier and happier everyday.
Along with all the serious stuff there are simple things that keep it light and add levity to my daily life and for that I'm grateful.
As far as Allison goes she is my four-year-old ray of sunshine my "shmoogly bear" and my princess- she's growing and she's changing and I love every minute of her gaining more independence. Looking forward to getting her to preschool this year and hopefully being challenged or stimulated with novelty.