March 19th- We had a great weekend together with friends and family celebrating and doing what we love most DANCING and listening to live music, parade going, drinking, eating and doing new things in new places...NOVELTY!!! I am absolutely so head over heels for my little girl it has taken me by surprise and I'm not sure I'm near tough enough to protect myself from being vulnerable to these emotions. I was always so good at "checking my baggage at the door" especially when teaching. I could code switch, be anyone I wanted to in any situation, and even in relationships I prided myself on always having the upper hand... knowing I could just press the emergency eject button and never look back. And I did just that in the past. Three year long relationship ended with a phone conversation and minimal tears... talk about a cold hearted b! Marriage and parenthood is WAY different. I have succumbed to the wholesome belief I still hold dear of committing myself to my par...