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Showing posts from March, 2020

Raising a Mama's Boy

I married a mama's boy and am quite certain I am raising one myself. Unbeknownst to me, this little boy would grab a hold of my heartstrings in a different way than my daughter. I don't need to apologize or worry that my sentiments about my son overshadow her. I know this because she is smitten too. Beyond her wildest imagination and initial disappointment at the gender reveal.... she loves him more and more everyday! There's just something about little boys. His mischievous grin. Catching glimpses of features that resemble his handsome father. The squeeze hugs and rough and tumble play. Half the time I'm scared of the occasional bite or head butt that is inevitable but I keep coming back for more. My favorite part? It's the most active love I've ever felt! It's so hands-on, in your face, sometimes loud, but it's an all in. Smothery sometimes, running a tractor up your leg, shoving a raisin in your mouth kind of business. And guess what? I LOVE IT...