~December 27th, 2019~ Keeping a journal with sentiments of gratitude has filled my heart with such appreciation. It has given me pause and allows me the grace I need on days I struggle. It can also be the cherry on top to a great day. I look forward to this time every night. Most nights, the pen glides easily across the pages about my family, friends, and heartfelt emotions. I believe this has been easier to do during the holidays, but so cathartic. "Don't get your tinsel in a tangle" The word 'mom' has been written quite a bit but more in the way of how fulfilled I am to bring the holiday spirit into my home. The way she did. Hosting Christmas this year, with my dad, sisters, brother-in-law, as well as John's family was effortless. It was not stressful and my mom would be so proud I didn't get my tinsel in a tangle (our favorite Christmas quote that was plastered on everything back in the day). I knew when to accommodate for them and when ...