Dear Mom, How did you do it!? This mom thing is so hard right now. I don't know if it's the ages of the kids not meshing well... I already checked and the full moon isn't coming for another couple of weeks (I remember my kindergarteners' behavior being a sort of barometric gauge for changes in atmosphere). In one given day not everyone is happy at the same time and if they are the moment is fleeting. Allison is clearly embarking on the hormonal elevator and John boy is well...a toddler and they act quite similar more times than not. My WTF lines between my brows are deepening and so is my taste for new adult beverages and heavy lifting. It feels like survival somedays and other moments I feel like I am killing it. Here's some perspective: Take baby to daycare, grocery shop in the madhouse pre-4th of July crowd, take Allison to the YMCA for mommy and me time, take Allison to dance, pick up baby, pick up Allison, feed everyone, and decide what I'll be drinkin...