I will honestly say, I really underestimated the severity of a tonsillectomy and what it would entail for Allison and me as a mom! I think a big part of this stems from the 'mask of motherhood' where we as mothers are not always completely honest with each other about the challenges we face. Allison's first day consisted of mass liquid vomiting that soaked many couch blankets. I thought she'd be sleepy and we'd just be on the couch as if she was sick. Not quite. She was in and out of sleep coupled with the vomit issue so I was on high alert! She kept throwing up within a half hour of giving her pain medicine, which I was told to not get behind on or I'd really regret it! I didn't want to give her too much to make up for the lost medicine that ended up on my pants and/or on the couch. That day was filled with laundry, doctor phone calls, and wide awake eyes. For the next ten days, Allison would need pain meds around the clock. Every fourth hour she would ...