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Showing posts from 2013

There's no place like home for the holidays....

I can hardly wait to go to California... TOMORROW! We have been busy busy getting ready, wrapping presents, decorating (even the bannisters are wrapped!). Allison and I were able to spend some quality girl time together when John was in Indiana for five days at a racing trade show. Here are some pictures of the most entertaining three year on the planet (a little bias I suppose!) I do believe I will be making a greeting card with this picture... something about putting on your big girl panties and conquer the world already!

Ranch + taco sauce = Fiesta Ranch

Thought I'd share my simple recipe for how I make spicy ranch that we use on everything from taco salad to burritos, etc. I literally use porportions of spice to dressing depending on the audience! Typically 2/3 ranch to 1/3 taco sauce is perfect! Or flip that ratio for more spice and less calories!! Enjoy!! 

Love working out with my little girl

I have been fortunate enough to have led a fit life. Now if you saw me walking down the street you may not guess I exercise daily. I don't think it will ever show THAT much. I have taught my daughter the benefits of working out and eating right. But the most important thing is that we have a balanced life in that we do many things and consider ourselves well rounded people!! Here are some of my favorite shots of Allison working out!
I have had a phenomenal last few weeks with family. It has really helped me remember what is important in life. I will not regret having left my job and spent these past couple months being with family for extended periods of time, staying home with Allison and preparing for the most magical time of the year, and loving on my husband. Starting in November I went to Yellowstone with my dad for a great trip we hadn't made together in nine years! Then Dad came here from California to spend a few days with us. A few days later I drove to Grand Rapids to spend the night with Mom and Bri only to later that day pick up Cassie and her boyfriend Ross (or "Woss" Allison says). We had fun-packed week full of Thanksgiving festivities! We have been lucky enough to keep Bri for an extra week and have Christmas Eve at the farm and then another Christmas at 'Parkes Place.' Also, I have finally finished my shadow box tribute to my favorite Cuz! We were fortunate enough to join our...


I have really enjoyed celebrating the pre-holiday season with my Christmas Angel

Snow globe time!

 I feel like I'm in a snow globe!!! Let it snow let it snow let it snow!!! 

My little lady...

Well... I could say that I am absolutely enjoying this stay at home mom thing 24/7... but you know me better than that! Don't get me wrong, it's great to spend time with Allison, but remember I'm also trying to finish my Master's Degree too! I'm realizing that I actual multi-task better than single-task... this doesn't seem like a problem, but it is!!  I just figured out that in a classroom, although you might be teaching the same subject for 45 minutes, there are so many other things that happen in that chunk of time. I love that! I found myself trying to write my project proposal for my Master's class and had almost 9 windows open on my screen. I was trying multi-task while I wrote the paper... Not sure that's really what needs to be happening here! Most of the windows opened were actually related to my project proposal which involves looking into why teachers don't collaborate well with each other (or "play nice in the same sandbox"). I...

Terrible threes NOT twos!

 She literally just threw these on purpose because I wouldn't let her get something else to eat until she finished them... It's going to be a long day! ;( But wait... Here she is 30 minutes later... Is this prep for her teenage years!!?? 
photo.php The link above is from a page I am following by a super inspirational mom named Maria Kang I found through Facebook! She is on point with the whole concept of working out with your kids! Allison knows who Jillian Michaels and Shaun T are. She has exercised with me before she could walk! The other day she asked, "Mommy, what exercise teacher are we going to watch today!?" I loved that! I actually think the amount of times she has followed along with my workout videos or latest routines has helped her IMMENSELY in dance class. We all seem to think that copying what someone is doing is natural. It is not. I have had the privilege of watching Allison through a two sided window and know for a fact that she is beyond her peers not in talent (YET!) but in her ability to watch her teacher and imitate her. This is so fascinating to me!! I am such a fan of working out with my workout buddy, my daughter. She definitely keeps me accountable lately, especially staying at home ...

Hunting Weekend

We. Johns painter Todd has been with us since Thursday. It has become a tradition- second first annual.... We have enjoyed spending time at mom and dad's in LeRoy. John got two the last morning in the blind. It's really neat that he shares this tradition with his dad. I wasn't a big fan of the whole idea but now I have learned to accept it as more of a family tradition than a statement of beliefs... Ah growing up.... Besides  We are still making memories like eating rainbow sherbet and playing Candyland after a long day of hunting!! Loving my family and feeling grateful...


I took advantage of being off work to spend time with my Pops. We hadn't been to Yellowstone in nine years. Going in November was incredible and quite different from the summer and early fall months. We became expert wolf trackers! It was a great time to go and escape reality! We stayed in a beautiful Bed and Breakfast place in Gardiner, Montana with great hosts. We also met some ladies who later this year will climb Kilimanjaro and were fascinating to have tea and chat with!
As some of you may know, I have left my job in Kalkaska. This was not an easy decision but one I had to do for me, my students and to stay true to my values. The injustices that were happening on a daily basis for all students was something I could not live with. I was struggling with the noncompliance issue in regards to their IEPs (individual educational plans) and the lack of discipline from the principal. I have decided to stay home with Allison, work on finishing my Master's Degree (one more class- graduation on May 1st!) and sub for Cadillac and Pine River some. I am considering, if possible, continuing from here to my doctorate program... Dreamin' big...

Getting ready for Halloween my third favorite holiday (next to Christmas and my birthday!)

Too precious I couldn't help it!  Look at those ta-tas! Woody comes everywhere with her! So Brave with her Daddy! Too much Fun! 

Weekend Rendezvous to Chicago with my hubs!

Had a great time at Closing Weekend at Uncle Jer and Aunt Lor's place!

Good times on the lake with good friends!!

Having such a great Labor Day Weekend! Woo hoo! Posting Pictures soon! Have a safe holiday weekend all! I am getting excited about teaching! Wish me success! (not luck)

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Ian!

 We had so much fun celebrating with this little guy! super cute! He's not only one who got messy on this day... Bruno decided to take Stella (Zac and Em's dog) in the mud puddle! Two baths later... everyone was dancing on the trampoline! Sunday Funday

Royal tea party

Our first royal tea party was a success! Totally unplanned but so fancy pants! 

Allison's dance recital!

Allison has completed three classes of creative movement and now is going into a combo class of ballet and tap! Here comes our blonde Shirley Temple!